• 全面介绍X-Particles 4粒子插件在C4D中的应用,包括流体的模拟、动力学、碰撞模拟等,从最开始的发射器界面,到修改器来影响粒子行为,逐步讲解XP插件的使用方法
  • X-Particles 4 is a stellar addition to Cinema 4D, allowing artists to quickly and easily create finely rendered fluid simulations, dynamics, and collisions. This course gets you started with this powerful plugin. Join Andy Needham as he walks through the Emitter interface, and shows how to use modifiers to change the look and behavior of particles. Andy demonstrates how to create visible particles, make fluid and fire simulations, and render your work. He also covers additional ways to sculpt particles, and shares helpful tips for enhancing your workflow.

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