• Houdini 是一个特效方面非常强大的软件。许多电影特效都是由它完成:《指环王》中“甘道夫”放的那些“魔法礼花”,还有“水马”冲垮“戒灵”的场面,后天中的龙卷风等等,a52的汽车广告,反正只要是涉及DD公司制作的好莱坞一线大片,几乎都会有Houdini参与和应用。Houdini不光只适用于视觉特效的制作,随着HOUDINI适用于各种平台,并且出现了很多的HOUDINI培训教学,HOUDINI开始进入了动态图像设计领域。因为其自身的流程化特性,加上其强大的动力学系统,让HOUDINI在数据可视化方面占有一席重要的地位,让图形设计师能够通过它表达自己的观点。
    In this Houdini tutorial we’ll use VDBs to utilize the latest technology and explore some new features.
    We’ll create a cloudscape using particles as a base and then add cloudlike internal motion. This setup allows objects to interact with the clouds and gives a dynamic overall feeling. By the end of this Houdini training you’ll have learned that changing the look and structure with given nodes, that it’s possible to define the renders before further manipulation in the image network.

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kUvRhVh 密码:niya

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