• 在第五课中,我们将来创建一系列的爆炸效果,它的造型与位置是基于一个动态激光枪模拟结果的。我们会来设计激光球碰撞后爆炸的造型,方法是控制新刚体碎片,粒子,streamer,还有烟雾源。一些经常用到的数学知识也在这里使用到了。
  • In Rigids V, we’ll create a series of blasts whose shape and position are based off of a dynamic laser gunfire simulation! We’ll design the shape of the explosion at each laser bolt impact by controlling the sources of the new rigid body debris, particles, streamers, and smoke. Several commonly (and easily) used math topics are introduced here in order to achieve professional and art directable results, including quaternions, cross, and dot products. A professional workflow will as always be demonstrated to keep all of this organized and efficient, plus lots of advanced tips and tricks. The final renders will even be brought to life with illumination from the lasers themselves!


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